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  首頁 > 微生物知識->細菌基本知識和檢測方法->嗜酸乳杆菌對致瀉性大腸埃希氏菌上皮細胞粘附和侵襲的抑製作用


錄入時間:2010-12-7 10:42:02 來源:《中華微生物學和免疫學雜誌》


【 摘要 】  目的 研究嗜酸乳杆菌DOM La菌株是否對致瀉性大腸埃希菌對上皮細胞粘附和侵襲能力具有抑製作用。方法 使用了Hep-2細胞粘附實驗和Hep-2細胞侵襲實驗。結果 發現嗜酸乳杆菌DOM La菌株對Hep-2細胞粘附平均達222.48±30.7個細菌/細胞。thyA基因突變菌株DOM LaF84 Hep-2細胞的粘附為61.96±10.27個細菌/細胞。將嗜酸乳杆菌DOM La菌株與腸產誌賀氏樣毒素且具有侵襲力的大腸埃希氏菌(ESIEC)F171菌株共同孵育後, 可將後者的粘附和侵襲菌數分別由273.4±24.7個細菌/細胞和13.4±4.9個細菌/細胞,降低到65.3±13.1個細菌/細胞和6.82±1.6個細菌/細胞, 差異有顯著性(P0.01)。 將DOM La菌株與腸侵襲性大腸埃希氏菌(EIEC 8401菌株共同孵育後,可將後者對Hep-2細胞的粘附和侵襲數分別由269.2±26.5個細菌/細胞和34.0±5.3個細菌/細胞降到70.7±14.0個細菌/細胞和6.82±2.9個細菌/細胞,差異有顯著性(P0.01)。結論 嗜酸乳杆菌DOM La菌株對ESIEC F171菌株和EIEC 8401菌株的Hep-2細胞的粘附和侵襲能力均具有明顯的抑製作用,這可能是嗜酸乳杆菌對感染性腹瀉具有非特異性預防和治療作用的機理之一。

  Inhibition of adherence and invasiveness of diarrheogenic E. coli to Hep-2 cells by Lactobacillus acidophilus DOM La FU Xiaoli, XU Jianguo, GAO Shouyi. Priority Laboratory of Molecular Medical Bacteriology, Ministry of Health. Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, Beijing 102206

   Abstract 】 Objective To select a L. acidophilus strain which has potential to be used as vector for vaccine development of enteropathogens.Methods Hep-2 cell culture on cover-slips were incubated with the bacteria to be tested for 3h at 37℃. After incubation the cover-slips were fixed with formalia and stained with Giemsa stain for “Single Bacteria culture” and with Grams stain for “Duel Bacteria culture”. After that the specimen were examed microscopically. Fifty adhered cells were counted for “Bacteria Adherence Test”. For “Bacteria Invasion Test” the co-culture (Hep-2 cells and bacteria) had to be cultivated for further 1h after the previous 3h incubation. There after 50 invaded cells were counted.Results  Hep-2 cell adherence assay data showed that L. acidophilus DOM La had intensive adhesive ability to Hep-2 cell line. The mean number of adherence of it was 222.48±30.7 organisms/ Hep-2 cell. The thyA mutant derivative strain of it was isolated, named as DOM LaF84, which retained the activity to adherence. The Hep-2 cell adherence and invasiveness of entero-SLTs-producing and invasive E. coli F171 were reduced by L. acidophilus DOM La from 273.4±24.7 organisms/cells and 13.4±4.9 organisms/ cell to 65.3±13.1 organisms/cell and 6.82±1.6 organisms/Hep-2 cell respectively. The Hep-2 cell adherence and invasiveness of enteroinvasive E. coli 8401 were also reduced by L. acidophilus DOM La from 269.2±26.5 organisms/cell and 34.0±5.3 organisms/cell to 70.7±14.0 organisms/cell and 6.82±2.9 organisms/cell.Conclusions  Based on these results, we concluded that the L. acidophilus DOM La strain has unspecific inhibition effects on the invasiveness and adherence ability of diarrheogenic E. coli, which could be used as a basic feature for development of lactic bacterial vaccine vector system.

   Subject words 】 Lactobacillus acidophilus  Bacterial adhesion  Escherichia coli

  乳杆菌(Lactobacillus)為人及動物腸道正常菌群的重要成員。百年來,人們對其生理調節功能,營養促進作用和非特異性抗感染等方麵作了大量的基礎和應用方麵的研究。乳杆菌本身良好的粘附定植特性是其充分發揮生物學效能的保證。有文獻報道1, 2,不同乳杆菌菌株的粘附特性不同,而且差別很大,某些腸道中的非優勢乳杆菌根本沒有粘附能力3, 4。我們篩選出一株對Hep-2細胞粘附良好,且對某些致病性大腸埃希氏菌的粘附和侵襲有抑製作用的嗜酸乳杆菌候選株;現將結果報告如下:




1 實驗菌株

  Table 1. Strains and origin

Strains and their characteristics (origin)


Lactobacillus acidophilus

L.acid DOM La strong adherent to Hep-2 cells(Our stock)

L.acid DOM LaF84 ThyA mutant of L.acid DOM LaThis study)

L.acid DOM La92 weak adherent to Hep-2 cells(Our stock)

L.casei 1.29 (GCMCC #)

L.casei 34103 (NICPBP ##)

Diarrheogenic E. coli

E.coli F171 ( ESIEC) *(5)

E.coli 8401 (EIEC)** (Our stock)

  * Entero-SLT-producing and invasive E. coli

  **Entero-invasive E. coli

  # China General Microbiological Culture Collection Center

  ## National Institute for the Control of Pharmaceutical and Biological Products  細胞株: Hep-2細胞株。

  2.培養基: MRS液體培養基:蛋白腖10g,牛肉膏10g,酵母粉5g,葡萄糖20g,吐溫-80 1ml K2HPO4 20g,醋酸鈉5g,枸櫞酸三氨2gMgSO47H2O 200mgMnSO4 4H2O 50mg,蒸餾水加至1000ml,pH6.0LB液體培養基,RPMI 1640和含小牛血清的RPMI 1640

  3. 細菌的製備

  嗜酸乳杆菌:將新鮮接種的MRS平板上的嗜酸乳杆菌單菌落,接種於5ml MRS肉湯,37℃靜置培養過夜。以體積分數為2%(原表示為v/v)MRS菌培養液接種於5ml新鮮的MRS肉湯,37℃靜置培養57小時後取1.0mlEppendorf管中,離心沉澱細胞。以1.0ml含小牛血清的1640液懸浮細胞,使細胞濃度約為107 CFU/ml

  大腸埃希氏菌:挑取大腸埃希氏菌單個菌落,接種於5ml LB肉湯,37℃通氣培養過夜。以體積分數為2%的LB菌培養液接種於5ml新鮮的LB肉湯,37℃通氣培養3小時。處理方法同上。

  4. Hep-2細胞的粘附和侵襲實驗:青黴素小瓶培養的Hep-2細胞,以RPMI 16401次,加入0.9ml含小牛血清的1640液和0.1ml上述製備好的菌懸液,若涉及到兩種細菌,則每種細菌各加0.1mlRPMI 1640液加0.8ml, 使總體積為1ml, 輕輕搖晃混勻。於二氧化碳孵箱,37℃培養3小時。每次實驗每份標本同時作3份。


  侵襲試驗:37℃培養3小時後,加含100μg/ml慶大黴素的16402ml, 37℃培養1小時。再用RPMI 16403次,取出蓋玻片,晾幹,甲醇固定15分鍾,吉姆薩氏染液染色34小時,用蒸餾水漂洗1次,幹燥後鏡下觀察,計數50個細胞侵襲的細菌數,計數出平均值。顯微照相並記錄結果。

  結 果

  1.嗜酸乳杆菌DOM LaDOM LaF84Hep-2細胞的粘附:從圖1可見,DOM La DOM LaF84Hep-2細胞呈彌散性粘附。DOM La的粘附平均每個細胞約為222.5±30.7(計數50個細胞)個細菌/細胞;DOM LaF84的粘附平均每個細胞約為61.96±10.27(計數50個細胞)個細菌/細胞。而DOM La92, L.casei 1.29L.casei 34103 Hep-2細胞的粘附特征不明顯,圖片未顯示。

  2.DOM La E.coli F171E.coli 8401Hep-2細胞粘附及侵襲的抑製DOM La分別與E.coli F171E.coli 8401共同孵育,後兩者對Hep-2細胞的粘附細菌數分別由273.4±24.7個細菌/細胞和269.2±26.5個細菌/細胞,下降到65.3±13.1個細菌/細胞和70.7±14.0個細菌/細胞, 差異有顯著性(P0.01)(表2,圖1)。

     表2 嗜酸乳杆菌對致瀉性大腸埃希氏菌Hep-2細胞粘附力的抑製作用

  Table 2. Inhibition of Hep-2 adherence of diarrheogenic E.coli by L.acid.


Mean number±s of bacterial cells/Hep-2 cell



E. coli F171



E. coli 8401



  *The value is statistically significant(P0.01)

  嗜酸乳杆菌DOM LaE.coli F171E.coli 8401Hep-2細胞的侵襲力也具有明顯的抑製作用(見表3)。與DOM La共同孵育後,E.coli F171E.coli 8401Hep-2細胞的侵襲力分別從13.4±4.9個細菌/細胞和34.0±5.3 個細菌/細胞,下降為1.98±1.6個細菌/細胞和6.82±2.9個細菌/細胞,抑製前後差異有顯著性(P0.01),見表3、圖2

      表3 嗜酸乳杆菌對侵襲性大腸杆菌對Hep-2細胞侵襲力的抑製

  Table 3. Inhibition of Hep-2 cell invasiveness ability of diarrheagenic E.coli by L.acid.


Mean numbers±s of bacterial cells/Hep-2 cell



E.coli F171



E.coli 8401



  *The value is statistically significant(P0.01


  討 論

  乳杆菌對上皮細胞的粘附是其作為益生製劑和()表達細菌保護性抗原的受體菌首先需要考慮的因素之一,也是其充分發揮生物學活性的基礎和保障。從我們的實驗結果可見,嗜酸乳杆菌DOM La及其thyA缺陷株DOM LaF84Hep-2細胞均具有明顯的粘附性,而另外一株嗜酸乳杆菌DOM La922株幹酪乳杆菌L.casei 1.29L.casei 34103Hep-2細胞的粘附性較弱,或無明顯的粘附特征。DOM LaF84菌株thyA基因缺陷後,菌體變粗、變長,但仍具有良好的Hep-2細胞的粘附性。說明thyA基因的改變,對嗜酸乳杆菌的Hep-2細胞的粘附性無明顯的影響。

  DOM LaE.coli F171E.coli 8401Hep-2 上皮細胞粘附及侵襲均具有明顯的抑製作用(見表1,2)E.coli F171表達EF/I菌毛,粘附性很強,對細胞呈彌散性粘附,平均每個細胞粘附的細菌數可達273.4±24.7個細菌細胞/Hep-2細胞5E.coli 8401為侵襲性 大腸杆菌的標準株,Hep-2細胞具有強烈的粘附性。粘附是細菌侵入細胞的第一步,對細菌粘附的抑製可幹擾細菌對細胞的侵襲。從我們的結果可見,DOM La對這兩種致病性大腸埃希氏菌的粘附和侵襲均具有明顯的抑製作用。

  關於乳杆菌對致病菌粘附及侵襲抑製的機理和物質基礎,國內外開展了一些研究,BrookerFuller 6認為,乳杆菌的粘附可能與粘膜多糖有關。ShermanSavage 7認為磷壁酸與齧齒類組織的粘附相關。Coconnier8Blemberg9證實蛋白或蛋白樣物質與乳杆菌的粘附相關,並分離出相關的蛋白樣物質。關於乳杆菌對致病性大腸埃希氏菌的粘附抑製作用的觀點也莫衷一是,有人認為與受體有關,或與乳酸菌的細菌素有關,也有報道與兩種細菌粘附的空間位阻關係密切。我們的實驗結果提示,兩種菌之間的空間位阻是抑製病原菌粘附的機製之一,尤其是thyA基因突變菌株的菌體變長,這種由於空間位阻所致的抑製效果更為顯著(資料未顯示),但也不排除其它因素參與的可能性,如營養競爭、代謝產物的抑製、毒素的產生等。生理性細菌的粘附機製非常複雜,涉及的因素很多,不僅與菌株的來源有關,還與實驗材料的選擇,實驗條件的控製等多種因素密切相關。粘附不僅僅是細菌本身的作用,還與受體細胞的來源及功能狀態密切相關,如果在體內,則情況更複雜。有關該菌株的粘附及粘附機製尚有待於深入的研究。


  作者:傅曉麗 徐建國 高守一

單位:傅曉麗(現在工作單位:諾舟生物技術研究所,100093 北京海澱區香山路娘娘府甲2);徐建國 高守一(102206 北京,中國預防醫學科學院流行病學微生物學研究所,衛生部醫學分子細菌學重點實驗室)




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